Incubating New Programs
At Destination: Home, we are focused on advancing solutions that will deliver true systemic change. So, in addition to scaling proven strategies for addressing homelessness in our community, we also help incubate new ideas that can help us achieve our collective goals.
In this role, we help design new programs and initiatives, bring funders and service partners on board, evaluate performance and results, and then work with system partners to scale and sustain these efforts.
The initiatives and programs Destination: Home has helped pilot include:
Homelessness Prevention System
This countywide system provides emergency financial assistance and key services to help at-risk residents remain stably housed.
All the Way Home
A community campaign to end veteran homelessness, convening public, private and nonprofit partners to ultimately house more veterans than those becoming homeless.
Guaranteed Income
This 2-year project is designed to help participants achieve housing stability and greater independence over their lives, finances and future.