2016 Measure A Housing Bond
In 2016, Destination: Home helped lead a broad coalition of elected officials, affordable housing advocates and community organizations to champion a countywide $950 million affordable housing bond. Thanks to this extensive community-wide effort, the bond measure (titled Measure A on the Nov. 2016 ballot) was approved with just over the required ⅔ voter threshold.
Importantly, $700 million of the Measure A bond was dedicated towards housing for residents at the lowest income levels, and the County of Santa Clara’s subsequent NOFA guidelines require that developments include a minimum percentage of ELI (Extremely Low Income) and/or Supportive Housing units in order to qualify for funding. Read more about County of Santa Clara’s Measure A Affordable Housing Bond Program

Since its passage, Measure A has served as a major catalyst of affordable housing for our lowest-income residents – not only delivering its goal of developing 4,800 new affordable apartments, but also contributing to a broader partnership with other housing development partners to ramp up the production of deeply affordable housing.