Destination: Home is excited to announce the launch of the Housing Ready Community’s Toolkit, a new resource for those working to support new housing for people in our community who need it most.
Created in collaboration with the County of Santa Clara Office of Supportive Housing, the Toolkit provides easy access to accurate, up-to-date information and tools for government, housing developers and neighbors. Visit the Toolkit website at
We Know What to Do
According to the Community Plan to End Homelessness, our community goal is to create 6,000 new housing opportunities by 2020. Fortunately, we passed Measure A in 2016, bringing $950 million in new affordable housing funding with $700 million set aside for new supportive and extremely low income homes for our most vulnerable residents.

Thanks to Measure A supporters and voters, the County of Santa Clara and six of our cities have approved 10 new housing developments already. Some are under construction and others breaking ground soon (pictured above). To meet our community’s need however, we will need to build more, and in neighborhoods throughout our community.
We Need Your Help
We have a lot of work to do, but believe that the resources, and common sense solutions in the new Toolkit can help you to join the effort to make homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring in Santa Clara County.
To make a difference and support these efforts, please take some time to learn more about the challenge we face and solutions that work, look through the tools, review the FAQs and check the latest housing events and sign up to receive action alerts.

Working together, we can activate neighbors and help critical new housing developments get approved. You may also want to share the Toolkit on Twitter and Facebook to help increase awareness and community support. For more information, visit the Toolkit website.
New Mailing List Features
As we prepare for new grantmaking and civic engagement, we have updated our mailing list. To help us make the most of these features, update your profile today to:
- Add your ZIP code to help us work with you to support new housing in your neighborhood
- Receive specific updates on funding opportunities, the Community Plan and community events
Sign Up for More Information
If you haven’t already, please subscribe to our mailing list today!