Housing Ready Communities

The Housing Ready Communities initiative builds support for the development of affordable housing, impactful policy reform and other proven solutions to prevent and end homelessness. We welcome individuals, community groups, nonprofits, housing developers, and members of government to join us in taking action when it counts. There is a role for everyone. Sign up and get involved today!




Housing Developments Supported



Housing Ends Homelessness

Roughly 10,000 of our neighbors are currently experiencing homelessness, and systemic factors continue to drive this crisis. The solution to homelessness is simple–a home–but our community has failed to produce enough and sometimes stands in the way of new opportunities. This is where Housing Ready Communities come in.

Together, we advocate for key policy changes, and new deeply affordable housing developments, including more extremely low income (ELI) and supportive housing. The most dramatic shortage of housing in our community is at the deepest affordability levels, and there is a clear link between this shortage and homelessness. Supportive housing (affordable housing incorporating on-site services) ends homelessness and is proven to successfully maintain housing stability for our most vulnerable neighbors, while building more deeply affordable housing is key to preventing more at-risk residents from falling into homelessness.

Housing Ready Communities in Action

The Housing Ready Communities Action Network speaks up in support of policy reform and housing across Santa Clara County. We answer our neighbors’ questions, write to our elected representatives, and comment at public meetings to make sure new policies and housing are approved and funded.

There is no required level of experience or commitment, just a shared vision that we all have a role to play in advancing proven solutions to prevent and end homelessness.

Our Organizing Is Working

The Housing Ready Communities initiative has organized thousands of Santa Clara County neighbors, and a growing coalition of organizational partners regularly supports Action Network advocacy and learning opportunities.

Together we have:

Rallied to support 45 new supportive and extremely low income housing developments, resulting in a 98% approval rate. Villas on the Park and Renascent Place are two beautiful examples, now safely housing 250+ neighbors.

Advocated for the Measure E transfer tax, passed by San Jose voters in 2020. This new real estate transfer tax (only on property worth $2 million or more) is bringing more than $50 million every year to fund new housing and programs proven to end and prevent homelessness.

Educated our community on causes and solutions to homelessness. Housing Ready Communities workshop participants demonstrate a 44% increase in understanding of homelessness and supportive housing, and a 7% increase in support for new supportive housing in the participant’s neighborhood.

See the Progress

Since 2015, our supportive housing system has made significant progress developing new affordable housing throughout Santa Clara County, including passing the Measure A affordable housing bond in 2016. In April 2019, the City of San Jose adopted a first-of-its-kind affordable housing investment policy that allocates 45% of its total affordable housing funds towards ELI housing production. This new investment policy was projected to generate an additional $80 million in funding for ELI housing over the next five years. Thanks to these collective funding sources, a total of 7014 affordable homes across 64 sites for our lowest-income residents are open or under construction today.

This interactive map shows progress made to date:

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