Ways to Advocate

Throughout Santa Clara County, individuals, community groups, nonprofits, housing developers, and governments are working together to solve homelessness. Here’s how you can get more involved.

Sign Up for Action Alerts

Signing up to receive Action Alerts is the easiest way to get and stay engaged with Housing Ready Communities. We’ll keep you posted on the key moments to take action to support affordable housing development and other solutions to homelessness.

Attend Workshops and Action Opportunities

Join us to learn more about our movement to end homelessness, and to find out about opportunities to take action at community meetings.

Host a House Meeting or Invite Us for an Information Session

We can bring our tools and information to your family, neighborhood, workplace, church or community group. Whether you represent a neighborhood association, business group, nonprofit organization, or just yourself, we can help answer questions about the causes of homelessness, and mobilize around the solutions. Sign up to learn more and talk about next steps.

Educate Yourself and Share Information

A key step in responding to our homelessness crisis is understanding how we got to this point in the first place. The long-standing structural forces pushing more and more of our neighbors into homelessness are complex, intertwined and often are overshadowed by myths and stereotypes.

Join the Action Network Facebook Group

Connect with other Housing Ready Communities supporters and stay in the know on news, progress, events and more.

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