Our Strategies
We’re committed to delivering the systemic change needed to end homelessness in our community.
At Destination: Home, we advance impactful strategies that address the root causes of homelessness and help ensure that our most vulnerable residents have a stable home. Through our unique public-private partnership, we bring stakeholders together in support of a common set of mutually-reinforcing strategies:

Expanding the Supply of Deeply Affordable Housing

Helping People Secure & Maintain Stable Housing

Improving Access & Equity Within our System
These collective impact strategies are endorsed in the Community Plan to End Homelessness, a five-year roadmap for making homelessness rare, brief and non-recurring.
Learn more about the Destination: Home initiatives within our three main areas of focus:

Expanding the Supply of Deeply Affordable Housing
Our community’s severe lack of deeply affordable housing not only constrains our ability to connect homeless individuals to a stable home, it’s also pushing more of our neighbors into homelessness. That’s why we focus on expanding the supply of: 1) deeply affordable housing that’s reserved for our lowest-income residents, and 2) supportive housing developments, which combine affordable apartments with critical on-site services.
Learn more about our work in this area:

Helping People Secure & Maintain Stable Housing
We know housing ends homelessness. Yet, far too many of our neighbors are struggling to find or maintain stable housing in our community. That’s why we focus on providing the resources, support and services needed to connect homeless individuals to a stable home and to prevent vulnerable residents from losing their housing.
Learn more about our work in this area:

Improving Access & Equity within Our System
In order to solve homelessness, we must improve how our various safety net services, housing programs and other systems serve vulnerable residents. By helping these systems work in a more coordinated, efficient and equitable fashion, we can ensure that more residents are connected to safe and stable housing, and that we’re properly prioritizing those at greatest risk in our community.
Learn more about our work in this area:
See our Past Initiatives to read about some of the programs we’ve helped launch that are informing our work today including Housing 1000, All the Way Home campaign and our COVID-19 Response.